We are now available to introduce the unique growing system that delivers exactly what the plant needs. Plants are living things just like a human and NON growing experts try to give them what they want 24 hrs a day BUT THEY FAIL. As they give them what they think the plant needs not what the plant wants. Think about how VF Work for the plants, they use LED Lighting and it turns on and off at a timed process.
We treat the plants as a living baby (THINK ABOUT IT)
1 :: A seed germinates it needs feeding but only small amounts and regular and a weaker blend of feed.  (as a baby is born it needs milk regular)
2 :: As the plant grows it then gets more leaves so what does it need, More space, Light & more feed (Just as a baby grows into a toddler)  
3 ::  Then when the plant reaches the optimum growth period you start to give it the adult feed so it has the needed energy to sustain the harvest and packing period which leads to a fresher plant for the consumer. 
We can also offer advise on the best way to adapt your system for the crop needed to ensure a commercial product can be harvested. We are now selling the Viemose Dg grow system for either Warehouse Vertical Growing, or Greenhouse Growing. This system can be full automated from sowing through to harvest.
Started in 1947 Viemose Dg are a leading horticultural company who like ourselves are constantly innovating the industry.
From start up to problem solving, daily rates apply.

 We have advised commercial growers around the world.

From the UK back in 2005 Right through to the present day

We are aiming to turn the Horticultural / Farming industry into a viable growing option. The whole industry is in turmoil with the Power crisis and high expenses. We have unrivaled experience in the Vertical Farming and Commercial Growing industry, building the very first AUTOMATED vertical farm in the UK in 2008. Using the latest hydroponics technology & innovating our unique designs which will add affordability to allow the growing of crops inside warehouses without sunlight, soil, or pesticides. Everyone shouts about the savings made by Vertical Farming YET all say the same things. 

Think about how a greenhouse works and how a Warehouse works. They are NOT the same yet you want to grow the same crops !!!  

We focus on what the REAL LIFE ISSUES, and also one of Kw POWER SAVING ( this is not to be confused with energy efficiency) 

The biggest breakthrough is in the LED technology that we have developed over the last 6 years of growing inside warehouses in Dubai. So as a company we are well placed to know the how to grow crops BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY well placed to know the technical improvements needed to make this type of business a viable option. 

Redesigning the future.

  1:: The biggest issue is one of power usage , we can reduce the actual Power consumption by 50%. We have been innovating the industry for years and warehouse growing is no exception. Our unique Led lighting system saves 50% of power usage as well as other Capital savings amounting to 30%. This makes a Vertical Farming growing unit more viable and will allow the UK to grow salads crops to be proud off. 

  2:: The choice of variety grown has to be high on the list, do you grow for quality & taste, Or do you grow for high yield in weight per m2. This is not as straight forward as people think as each variety has to be grown for colour , taste, texture as well as yield. 

  3::  The choice of spacing is also going to have an effect on the above as well as changing the shape of the leaf this also determines how the plant is harvested as well as the timing or growth time of the plant.  

We have also managed to redesign a renewable energy system that will produce power at minimum cost for the remaining power making our unit a fully sustainable grow unit. This unit also aids air circulation to give the Growing unit the upmost in air control.

                                              WE ARE PART OF WORLDWIDE LOCAL SALADS